well been experimenting with resin pigments today, to see how carbon comes out when coloured...and I'm impressed!
Heres a small project thread on how I went about it...
heres the pigments im using
So here I'v started with an old hotel room key as my base template, all keyd up ready for resin
first il start off with normal polyester resin
then mix the black pigment with the resin, reason for this is to turn the white base black so it cant be seen through the resin, and also give the carbon something to stick to
then apply to the base as evenly as possible
then once its hardened but still tacky...stick the carbon on being very careful not to distort the weave
now then with the transparent blue pigment, mix it with the clear resin, as this is for automotive use its best to make sure its uv stable...not saying what im using or quantities as a chef never tells his ingredients
now spread it on as evenly as possible, again being careful of the weave
now this is where Im up to, waiting for this coat of resin to dry, then goin to put a clear coat on, and once thats dry il polish it up and post the result
hope you like...now to move onto bigger parts now i know it comes out well...